In this article I am sharing my views all about advertising. Advertising is required to take the product to the market and to get the attention of the customers. For example: New product launches that means if you are launching a new product then you can go for advertising so as to reach the target market. The advertising process starts with creating an advertising brief where advertising brief is a document confirming understanding between you and an an advertising agency on objectives of an advertising campaign, identification of the target market, strategies to be adopted in reaching the market, the time frame of the campaign and its total estimated cost.
The next step is to do the market research about your competition. You need to think on what needs to be communicated and what are the unique selling points for your product or service.
Once you have understood the market and you have all your research done you can start your advertising campaign.
Here I am listing down some of the key points that helps in successful advertising:
1. You should always think like your customers.
2. Doing research for what customer likes and dislikes.
3. The whole idea of the advertisement should catch the attention of the customers.
4. The advertisement should have a customer focus.
The benefit of the advertising is in increased product sales and to give informative knowledge i.e. to introduce the new product and how it is different from other products.